Jumat, 28 April 2017


Hallo Ladies,

Tanggal 20 April lalu aku dikirimin produk berupa serum yang fungsinya untuk numbuhin, manjangin dan nebelin bulu mata dan alis dari Montclair. Mereka minta aku me review produk ini sesuai dengan progress yang sebenarnya.

Jadi aku disponsorin tapi semua review dan foto2 yang aku upload di blog ini adalah sesuai dengan hasil nyata tanpa ada editan photoshop. So hari ini aku mau mulai mereview pengalaman aku pake Montclair Eyebrow & Eyelash Serum ini.

Pertama kali aku mau kasi lihat produknya dulu. Here it is,

Serum ini dikemas di dalam box berwarna hitam dengan gambar serum di depan dan disegel dengan plastik. Design nya cukup exclusive dan menarik. Di belakang box ada keterangan tentang aturan cara pakai eyebrow & eyelash serum dengan jelas berupa gambar ilustrasinya dan penjelasan menggunakan bahasa indonesia.

Pada sisi samping tertulis komposisi bahan yang digunakan untuk membuat serum ini dan juga cara penyimpanan.

Di dalamnya terdapat buku keterangan dengan desain yang sama dengan desain box, dan berisi tentang cara kerja serum, cara penggunaan yang benar dan juga komposisi dengan penjelasan fungsi masing2 ingredient yang lebih detail.

Aku akan tulis sedikit penjelasan tentang serum ini yang aku ambil dari salah satu halaman di buku petunjuk.

Montclair Eyebrow & Eyelash Serum sangat efektif untuk melebatkan dan menumbuhkan alis dan bulu mata. 16 bahan aktif yang terdapat di dalam Montclair Eyebrow & Eyelash Serum berfungsi untuk menstimulasi derma papilla cell untuk membentuk akar alis dan bulu mata, meningkatkan pembentukan pembuluh darah baru, memperlancar peredaran darah pada area akar alis dan bulu mata.

Selain itu aku juga dapet info kalo salah satu kandungan bahan aktif yang ada di dalam serum ini sama dengan yang digunakan oleh cosmetic La Mer yang cream wajah nya udah terkenal banget di dunia. So bisa dibilang brand ini masih satu principle dengan La Mer cosmetic. Dan diproses based on German formula.

Ok sekarang kita langsung liat serumnya.

Serum ini dikemas dalam botol bening dengan tutup berwarna hitam bertuliskan Montclair berwarna gold. Dilengkapi kuas aplikasi seperti yang terdapat pada liptint. Serum ini memiliki texture cair bening dan tidak terlalu kental. Selama mencoba serum ini mata aku nggak iritasi atau gatal meskipun terkena kulit sekitar mata.

Cara aplikasinya juga cukup mudah. Tinggal oles di atas bulu mata seperti memakai eyeliner, lalu sisir bulu mata bawah dari pangkal ke ujung seperti menggunakan mascara. Lakukan yang sama pada bulu mata bawah dan juga alis. Berhubung alis aku udah lumayan tebel, aku lebih fokus pake di bulu mata. Karena aku pingin punya bulu mata lebih tebal dan panjang. Juga bulu mata bawah ku hampir ga ada sama sekali. So aku pakai juga di bulu mata bagian bawah.

Aku mulai pakai serum ini tanggal 21 April, aku pakai 2 kali sehari, pagi dan malam. Awalnya aku ga berharap banyak sama serum ini karena sebelumnya aku juga pernah beli serum bulu mata tapi hasilnya biasa aja. Tapi ga ada salahnya aku coba merk lain. Aku rutin gunakan selama seminggu. Dan hari ke 3 aku mulai melihat perubahan.

Bulu mata aku yang atas terlihat lebih panjang dan lebat dari sebelumnya, sedangkan bulu mata bawah yang tadinya nggak keliatan mulai tumbuh tipis2. I'm so excited for this progress. Susah untuk dapetin bulu mata bawah. Pakai mascara pun jadinyabbleber karena terlalu tipis dan pendek banget.

Oya aku lupa bilang kalo 1 botol serum ini bisa digunakan selama 1,5-2 bulan kalo kalian rutin pakainya. Dan memang setelah aku pakai 1 minggu, serumnya masi sisa sekitar 2/3 botol lebih. Aku jadi makin rajin pakai soalnya I'm so excited bulu mata aku yang bawah bisa tumbuh. Dan tanpa panjang2 lagi, aku akan upload foto before after nya setelah menggunakan serum Montclair ini selama minggu. Here it is.

Jadi foto diatas ini aku ambil pas tanggal 21 april (before) dan yang sebelah kanan adalah foto tanggal 27 april setelah menggunakan serum Montclair. Terlihat bulu mata aku jadi lebih panjang dan lebih tebal dari sebelumnya. This is a really good progress! 

Aku juga pingin nunjukin cara aku pakai serum ini. Aku pakai contact lense dan serum ini samasekali ga bikin iritasi. Jadi kalian yang palai contact lense ga perlu kuatir untuk cobain serum ini. Recommended banget. 

Foto sebelah bawah adalah foto bulu mata aku sekarang (27 april). Disini bener2 bisa dilihat bulu mata bawah aku udah mulai tumbuh lumayan panjang. Kalo diukur sekitar 4mm tumbuhnya. Cukup panjang untuk bulu mata bagian bawah. Bahkan yang tadinya botak bisa numbuh tipis2. 

Aku bakal terusin pakai serum ini sampai habis sebotol dan akan aku update perkembangannya setiap 1 minggu. So stay tune on my blog & cu next week, ladies.

Hello again Ladies,

Hari ini tanggal 3 Mei, tepat 2 minggu aku pake Montclair Eyebrow & Eyelash serum. Minggu ini aku agak sibuk jadi kadang malem aku lupa pake serumnya. Tapi meskipun aku cuma pake pagi, tetep ada perubahan di bulu mata aku. Aku liat bulu mataku lebih panjang dari sebelumnya. Ini aku ada foto before & after. 

Foto atas itu sebelum aku pake serum, dan yang bawah 2 minggu setelah aku rutin pake serum Montclair. Di foto ini terlihat yang atas bulu mata aku lebih tebal dan lebih pendek. Yang foto after terlihat lebih panjang dan lebih tipis. Sebenernya bukan lebih tipis, cuma karena aku fotonya pas setelah aku pake serum, bulu mata aku masih basah, jadi keliatan lebih tipis.

Dan dibawah ini adalah hasil setelah serumnya menyerap. Bulu mataku terlihat lebih tebal. Hari ini aku juga udah bisa fotoin bulu mata bawah aku dari samping. So aku foto dr deket untuk nunjukin sebrapa panjang bulu mata bawah aku sekarang. Bisa dibilang bulu mata bawah aku hampir 5 ml. Dan bulu mata atas 2x lebih panjang. Cuma karena keterbatasan lighting, aku ga bisa fotoin sampe bener2 detail. But so far here's the result after using Montclair eyebrow & eyelash serum.

Masi ada sisa setengah botol jadi aku masih bisa pake sampai 2 minggu ke depan. Aku bakal update lagi pertumbuhan bulu mata aku minggu depan ya. Stay tune, ladies.
Have a great day....

Hi Ladies,
Hari ini aku mau update lagi hasil pertumbuhan bulu mata aku sejak menggunakan Montclair eyebrow & eyelash serum. Sudah 3 minggu aku rutin menggunakan serum ini. Dan di minggu ke 3 aku nggak terlalu melihat pertumbuhan yang signifikan, tapi aku ngerasa bulu mata aku semakin tebel. Sedangkan bulu mata bawah aku udah terisi semua. Dari yang sebelumnya botak total, sekarang jadi ada tumbuh bahkan mencapai setengah cm panjangnya. Ini foto yang aku ambil hari ini.

Di foto ini kalian bisa liat bulu mata aku lebih tebel dari minggu lalu. Dan pada bulu mata bawah bagian luar juga udah tumbuh tipis2. Minggu lalu cuma terlihat di bagian sebelah dalem deket idung yang tumbuh. 

Sampai sekarang masi ada sisa sekitar 1/4 botol lagi serumnya. Jadi kira2 kalo kalian pakai rutin pagi sore, dalam 1 bulan kalian udah bisa lihat hasilnya yang cukup signifikan baik di pertumbuhannya, ketebalan dan juga pertumbuhan bulu mata yang botak. 

Aku masi akan terus gunakan serum ini sampai habis. Dan minggu depan aku bakal update lagi untuk yang terakhir kali beserta pendapat pribadi aku tentang serum ini.

Thanks for reading and cu next week...

Hello again ladies,
Hari ini aku mau update kembali pertumbuhan bulu mata aku selama menggunakan Montclair eyebrow & eyelash serum.

Dan ini adalah update terakhir karena serum aku udah abis. So inilah foto bulu mata aku sekarang. 

Di foto ini kalian bisa liat bulu mata bawah aku yang tadinya botak total, sekarang semua udah terisi dan cukup panjang hanya dalam 30 hari. Sedangkan bulu mata bawah aku sudah jadi sepanjang ini. 

Overall aku sangat puas dengan hasilnya karena bulu mata bawah aku ga botak lagi dan bulu mata atas udah memanjang cukup signifikan sehingga aku kalo ke acara2 udah ngga pernah pake bulu mata palsu lagi. Cukup maskara aja udah terlihat seperti pake bulu mata palsu natural. Bahkan aku mulai kesulitan pakai eyeliner karena kehalang ama bulu mata. Hahaha 😂😂😂

So that's all my review. Buat kalian yang pingin cobain serum ini nggak perlu ragu lagi karena aku udah membuktikan sendiri hasilnya. Asalkan kalian rajin menggunakannya setiap hari pagi dan malam, hanya dalam 30 hari kalian akan melihat perbedaannya.

Buat kalian yang berminat untuk membeli serum bulu mata dan alis ini, kalian bisa langsung DM aku atau leave comment, aku akan kasi contact person tempat kalian biasa order, atau kalian bisa cari di instagram dengan menggunakan #montclairs. 

Thank you udah mampir di blog aku, semoga review ini membantu memberikan solusi buat kalian yang pingin manjangin, numbuhin dan nebelin alis dan bulu mata tanpa harus menggunakan bulu mata palsu. Feel free to leave a comment jika kalian ada pertanyaan seputar serum ini.
Have a nice weekend, ladies 😘😘😘

Kamis, 27 April 2017


Hi everyone,

Today I have a new product to review. It's a primer from VDL cosmetic brand which is recently became famous in korean cosmetic industry.  I got this from my sister in law. This is the VDL Color Correcting Primer SPF 32 PA++ (mint).

The packaging is a black color box with hologram letter printed on the box. All information about this product are writen as you see on the pic below.

So it's writen :

The color correcting primer that even out the skin tone with radiance and deliver smooth skin.

VDL is a unique cosmetics brand dedicated to women who actively seek out and realize their dreams and desires. Through interactions with world-renowned make up artists, fashion designers and celebrities, the Color Lab presents endless variations of color inspired by latest trend and global sensibility.

Violet Lumilayer Technology applied :
Violet Lumilayer Technology is an exclusive technology by LG that creates bright shades of colors not by mixing pigments but by delicately layering different shades of lights. Deriving energy from the color violet, the strongest wave in the color spectrum, we present to you colors of your dreams that never loses its original radiance no matter how many different shades are layered or mixed.

Reading the description, who didn't tempted to try this? I found this is a great marketing way to attract customers. And it sounds classy. So without further do, let's check for the container inside.

It comes in a rectangle shaped transparent glass bottle with pump. So we can see the color of the primer inside. And the texture is like a physical sun cream that usually leave a white cast on the skin. It has light green color which is suitable for skin with redness problem. 

So you can see the texture is like a thick cream. But it's easy to blend. Now I will start to blend on my skin and see the result.

And tadaaaaa.....

It drastically change the color of my skin and it looks so white. Actually I applied too much I guess. I tried on my face before to test whether it broke me out or not. And it didn't break out my skin. I have a very sensitive over reacted skin, so when i applied a product that didn't suit my skin, my skin will break out within 3-4 hours. This morning I tested for 5 hours and it was fine. So glad. 

And i only applied a thin layer. A little goes along the way. It looks so white after first application but within an hour it oxidated and became more natural. So you can use it either with or without foundation since it has SPF 32 PA++ that functioned as a suncream.

Here's some more specific information about this primer.

VDL Color Correcting Primer SPF 32 PA++ 
A color correcting primer that evens out the skin tone with radiance and delivers smooth skin.
- Provide bright and silky skin tone
- More than 80% of skin conditioning ingredients keep moisture for glowing and moisturized skin for long hours.

No 1 : MINT -> for reddish skin tone, giving bright and clear look

For this color correcting primer, VDL got 2 variant. You can check on the pic below.

I got a sensitive skin with redness on cheek, so I believe no 1 (mint) is more suitable for my skin.

Now l'm gonna try this product. Here is my bare face. You can see some redness due to acne scar on my cheek. 

Now i will apply this primer on my face. As usual, i always use my skincare (SK II facial treatment essence + dr jart. Ceramidin liquid) before make up. And here's the result. 

This primer did a great job in covering the redness on my cheek. I only apply a thin layer so mu skin won't look too white. I also love the glow it brings. It's such a natural glow, i feel as if I was applying cream moisturizer which absorbed and didn't feel heavy on my skin.

I only put on half of my face because i wanna try this primer with my bb cream. 

On the left side is my face without primer and on the right side is using primer. It looks way too white compare to my skin tone. But in 1 hour it will become more natural. Now i will apply bb cream all over my face. And here it is.

I don't know whether you can see through this pic but the right side with primer looks brighter than the  left side without primer. But it only slightly different. However, I love how my bb cream glide smoothly over this primer. It became so easy to blend. I'm gonna leave it for hours and will update comparison after few hours. Back soon, ladies 😘

Hi, I'm back after 2,5 hours and here's the result.

The right side of my face using primer + bb cream looks more oily than the other side. But in fact, it's not oily but the glowing effect of the primer. I touch my skin and the left side (without primer is more oily than the left side (with primer).

I usually use loose powder after bb cream, but today i didn't use powder because i wanna know the lasting power of this primer.

Here's the before after pic of my bare face, using primer only and primer + bb cream

So after all, here's my pros & cons about this primer

Pros :
~ easy to blend
~ has SPF 32 PA++ (can be used alone as suncream)
~ cover redness
~ glowing finish
~ moisturizing
~ didn't break me out
~ has no silicon in the ingredient list
~ makes my bb cream stay longer 

Cons :
~ a little too white after application
~ not travel friendly 

I rate this 4.5 out of 5.

So far I'm satisfied with the result and will continue using this primer under my bb cream.

Thank you for reading my post and I'm looking forward to hear from you. Please leave a comment below if you have question upon this product and let me know what primer is good for sensitive, normal to dry skin. Have a great day, everyone... 😘😘😘

Jumat, 14 April 2017


Hello ladies,

It's a long weekend and I'm so excited because easter is coming soon. It's such a great time to see some kids gathering egg, remind me of my childhood memories 😍😍😍
Ok enough for those, now I'm back with a review about my holy grail moisturizer that I've been using for years. It's Dr. Jart+ Ceramidin Liquid.

But before I start, I wanna share my story about my skin few years ago. I used to have a very dry dehydrated skin due to my acne care product i used to use. Everyday i used to wake up with small pimple which i didn't know the reason why those exist. To protect those evil from coming, I used sulfur acne lotion all around my face. And that was stupid decision.

I didn't care about the side effect to use sulfur all over my face as long as i have no acne the day after. And those thing made my skin so dry, broke my skin surface, caused redness and my skin became very sensitive. Until one day it became worse and worse. I had a terrible irritation and my skin became so dull. And so itchy.

And when i heard there was a beauty event in Jayanata, I decided to come and have some consultation. At that time, the consultation was held by dr. Jart brand from korea and they presented a korean beauty expert. I came and asked for the solution for my awful skin condition. The doctor was surprised and said. "Your skin is extremely dry and dehydrated. That caused your acne to keep popping up.

At first i was confuse because i thought as long as my skin was dry, it will protect me from pimple. I thought pimple was appear due to oil that clogged pores. But the doctor explained me that acne will appear when my skin was too oily or too dry. Both can be an acne trigger.

So I asked for some suggestion and she recommend me to use a moisturizer that contain ceramide. At that time she suggested me to buy Dr. Jart ceramidin cream. I still have the left over of that so I'll show you here.

It was such a rich cream that came in a tube. The ingredient is safe for all skin type even the most sensitive skin. The doctor suggested me to use this day and night. She said i would feel quite heavy at first but keep continue because this cream can repair the skin barrier and boosted hydration to my dry skin. And when my skin slowly became normal, i can use the liquid type of this. Which i still use until now and became my holly grail product.

After 3 months using this cream, my skin became a lot better. So I decided to purchase the other product that the doctor asked me to. Here it is.

This moisturizer is a liquid type moisturizer which is very light weight but it hydrate my skin so well. Here's the detail described on the box.

Sorry for the blurry pic, I will re-type below.

Dr.Jart Ceramidin Liquid
Strengthebs the skin's natural protective barrier. Booster serum penetrates deep with ceramides for long lasting moisture. Transform dry skin into a hydrated healthy glow.

+ Ceramide NP : time release moisture
+ Licorice root extract : soothing
+ Pontulaca oleracea + aloe vera : protecting & hydrating

Apply serum over cleansed skin morning and night. Follow with dr. Jart ceramidin cream.

Reading the information on the description box, i emailed dr jart customer service to ask whether this is a serum or a moisturizer. And they said you can use as serum with ceramidin cream. Or if your skin is normal (not too dry) you can use it as a daily moisturizer. So let me show you about this product.

It came in a bottle shaped packaging like this. It contains 150 ml which is so good. It last about 4 to 5 months for my daily use. And the packaging is safe enough if you bring it into your travel pouch. 

The packaging is hygienist enough since you don' need to use finger. Just pour it at the palm of your hand and the liquid will came out. Here's the consistency of this moisturizer.

It's a really lightweight moisturizer with such herbal scent (i guess). I really can't describe the smells but it didn't bother my sensitive skin because i has no harmful ingredient. Alcohol, paraben and parfume free. I like to use this by patting dry on my face rather than massaging motion. It absorbed quickly and you can feel your skin drinked up directly after using.

Here's my before after pic using this moisturizer.

The left side is my bare skin and the right side is after using ceramidin liquid. You can directly see that it faded away some redness cause by washing my face. I used to clean my face with loreal micellar water and sometimes i wiped too hard that cause redness. And this moisturizer calm it right away.

I really love this moisturizer and hope hope hipe that this product won't be discontinue. If you read at the box there's a big printed letter "SKIN SAVER". That was 100% right. 

So for you who are suffer from dryness, dehydrated, sensitive skin, redness and acne prone. I recommend to have this a try. I guess you will love it. I'm already in my 11 bottle if i was right. Totally love it.

And last year i purchased a bundling package with a headband gift from dr. Jart. This is kinda cute, isn't it? 😍😍😍

So that's all. I hope this post can help anyone with same skin suffer i used to have few years ago. Thank you for reading my review and please feel free to leave a comment below if you have any question, suggestion or anything. I will be glad to hear from you. Hope you have a fun & happy weekend. Happy Easter for anyone who celebrate and have a great day... 😘


Hi Girls, Kalo pas musim hujan gini emang bikin kita jadi lebih mageran dan males buat keluar rumah. Bawaannya pingin me time dan nyantai di...