Good morning, ladies...
Last week i got a package from my friend. She asked me to try and give some short review about it. I can't believe it's a make up brush set 😍😍😍. Actually i was planning to buy a good quality make up brush set and i still confuse whether i'll buy Real Technique or Masami Shouko one. What a luck i got one full set from her and i promise to review it soon. So here it is.
I got 2 series of make up brush.
The first is an Elegant Series brush
As the name, it has an elegant gold design with soft ombre pink to white colour. It looks so luxurious and expensive. Even look more expensive than 2 brand i've mentioned above. It contains of 3 brushes.
~ Elegant series blushing brush
Jud Bear Elegant Series Blushing Brush merupakan kuas dengan bulu lembut yang berfungsi untuk mengaplikasikan blush on dan foundation.
Jud Bear Elegant Series Blushing Brush mampu meratakan blush on dan foundation dengan sempurna, menampilkan riasan natural namun tetap memukau.
~ Elegant series shading brush
Jud Bear Elegant Series Shading Brush merupakan kuas aplikator yang didisain khusus untuk membentuk shading dan highlight pada riasan wajah.
Jud Bear Elegant Series Shading Brush dirancang khusus untuk mendapatkan hasil yang berdifinisi tinggi. Kuasnya memudahkan Anda dalam membentuk shading dan highlight sesuai keinginan. Memberikan hasil yang matte dengan kesan natural ataupun glamour.
~ Elegant series angle brush
Jud Bear Elegant Series Eyebrow Brush merupakan kuas aplikator berbulu lembut dan kuat yang berfungsi untuk mengaplikasikan eyebrow dan eyeliner.
Jud Bear Elegant Series Eyebrow Brush dirancang khusus untuk mendapatkan hasil yang berdefinisi tinggi. Kuasnya memudahkan Anda dalam membentuk alis dan eyeliner sesuai keinginan.
The other one is an Imaginary Friend series brush.
It's a beautiful fantasy series blush with a unicorn design and soft ombre pastel colour. It's so pretty and girly yet romantic design brush. I think it's beautifully unique and i love it so much. It contains of 5 brushes.
~ Imaginary friend powder brush
Jud Bear Imaginary Friend Powder Brush merupakan kuas aplikator yang didisain khusus untuk mengaplikasikan bedak pada wajah. Dengan desain bulunya yang tebal dan lembut mampu meratakan bedak dengan sempurna dan mengurangi resiko bedak menempel terlalu tebal.
Jud Bear Imaginary Friend Powder Brush juga dapat digunakan sebagai shimerring atau sapuan akhir pada riasan wajah.
~ Imaginary friend contour brush
Jud Bear Imaginary Friend Contour Brush merupakan kuas aplikator yang didisain khusus untuk membentuk kontur wajah sesuai keinginan, seperti membentuk tulang pipi, garis dahi dan dagu agar terlihat tirus.
Jud Bear Imaginary Friend Countur Brush memiliki bulu yang lembut dan tebal yang mampu mengoreksi bentuk wajah Anda agar terlihat lebih ideal.
~ Imaginary friend shading brush
Jud Bear Imaginary Friend Shading Brush merupakan kuas aplikator yang didisain khusus untuk mengaplikasikan shading powder di area rahang dan tulang pipi.
Jud Bear Imaginary Friend Shading Brush memiliki bulu yang lembut dan tebal dengan bentuk miring sehingga mampu membentuk shading sesuai keinginan.
~ Imaginary friend blending brush
Imaginary Friend Blending Brush merupakan kuas rias yang berfungsi untuk membaurkan warna eye shadow yang telah diaplikasikan agar tampak lebih halus dan membaur sempurna
Jud Bear Imaginary Friend Blending Brush memiliki bulu yang lembut dan didisain khusus agar mampu membaurkan riasan mata dengan berbagai teknik, seperti teknik gradasi dan teknik sudut.
~ Imaginary friend eye shadow brush
Imaginary Friend Eye Shadow Brush merupakan kuas rias yang berfungsi untuk mengaplikasikan eye shadow dan membentuk sudut mata. Jud Bear Imaginary Friend Eye Shadow Brush memiliki bulu yang lembut dan didisain khusus dengan bentuk pipih dan bentuk ujungnya yang bulat agar mampu membaurkan eyeshadow dengan rapih dan tidak membuat eyeshadow bertaburan ke permukaan wajah lainnya.
Based on my first impression, this brushes is so smooth and blend all my make up perfectly. Compare to both brand i mention above, i assume that it has the same quality. Even the fur is way smoother. And each brush head has detail shape that made my amateur personal make up look great. All make up application blending smoothly on my face.
My favourite is the imaginary friend powder brush, imaginary friend eye shadow blush, elegant series blushing brush and elegant series angle brush. Both series has same quality fur, just came with different design. If you are interested, you can contact me directly.
Thank you for reading my post and i hope this review will help you finding a good quality make up brush that worth the price. Any comment or suggestion are very welcome. Have a nice day, ladies... 😘😘😘
Minggu, 26 Februari 2017
Rabu, 22 Februari 2017
Hello everyone,
Today I wanna share my experience using Mettathione premium whitening soap. I've been using this soap for more than 5 years and I'm so in love with its fragrance, in love with how smooth the bubbld and of course the result after using.
Just to let you know, I always have a problem using liquid soap. Everytime i use liquid soap or shower gel, i always have back acne. It's quite sad because i have dry skin and i need something moisture to my skin. While i know that bar soap usually not as moist as liquid one. I have to use body lotion right away after shower to keep my skin balance.
Shortly, about 5 or 6 years ago, my friend recommend me a whitening soap bar which she said is sooooo good. So smooth and have a soft luxurious fragrance. At first, I think again and again to buy it because for a body soap bar, this soap is too pricey. And I didn't think i need a whitening soap coz i already have fair skin.
But she keeps pushing me to try and assured me "you won't regret it, i promise!". Ok so i gave up and finally i bought one. 225 K for 100 gr soap bar is way too pricey. But ok let me proove if what she said was right.
So here's the pic
For a soap bar, i think the packaging is luxurious enough. I love the seal which not normally used by a soap bar. And at the back there's some information written.
It's written :
Mettathione whitening soap
Say hello to glowing skin.
Active ingredients glutathione and alpha arbutin work together to lighten your skin's pigmentation. With mettathione soap, enjoy fairer skin that glows.
This soap can be used for face and body. But since i have soap allergic, i can't use on my face. But i heard some of my friend say it lighten their dark spot and tightened the pores. I only use it for body. 1 bar can be used for 1 month for me. Is use it as body soap morning and evening
Here's an information i found at the website
Features & details
Now i'm gonna show the soap inside
This soap have double packaging which i think very hygienist. And the soft luxurious fragrance can be smell even though you haven't open the box packaging yet. It's not a strong parfumed like scent but a soft luxurious fragrance which i can't describe. Usually a whitening soap is fragrance less or smells like rice. But this one is different. And I love it 😍😍😍
At first using this soap, I thought this soap dried out my skin because i see some white patches in some area of my skin. But my friend said. "Keep using it, use a bidy lotion after. It's not drying your skin, it's an exfoliating process to make ur skin fairer and glowing." I did what she said and i'm so satisfied with the result.
After month, no more white patch, my skin become fair and glow. And I used to have acne scar on my hand and knee which slowly faded away. Now since i've been using it for more than 5 years, i have no worry to recommend this soap to you. There's no regret to try it. You will love the result and surely the fragrance. And the most important, it's really worth the price 👍👍👍👍👍
Here i'm gonna show you my before after pic after just 1 used of mettathione soap. Unfortunatelly i don't have my old pic. I wish i could show you how different it looks after using this soap continuously. But here's before and after shower. No edit. And taken just few hours ago. I don't know whether you can see the difference through this pic. But actually my skin always get brighter after shower.
If you need some information about this soap, feel free to let a comment below or contact me directly. Hope this information will be useful for you ladies. And thank you so much for reading my post. Please feel free to leave comment, suggestion or criticize. Enjoy your day and see you on my next post... 👋👋👋
Today I wanna share my experience using Mettathione premium whitening soap. I've been using this soap for more than 5 years and I'm so in love with its fragrance, in love with how smooth the bubbld and of course the result after using.
Just to let you know, I always have a problem using liquid soap. Everytime i use liquid soap or shower gel, i always have back acne. It's quite sad because i have dry skin and i need something moisture to my skin. While i know that bar soap usually not as moist as liquid one. I have to use body lotion right away after shower to keep my skin balance.
Shortly, about 5 or 6 years ago, my friend recommend me a whitening soap bar which she said is sooooo good. So smooth and have a soft luxurious fragrance. At first, I think again and again to buy it because for a body soap bar, this soap is too pricey. And I didn't think i need a whitening soap coz i already have fair skin.
But she keeps pushing me to try and assured me "you won't regret it, i promise!". Ok so i gave up and finally i bought one. 225 K for 100 gr soap bar is way too pricey. But ok let me proove if what she said was right.
So here's the pic
It's written :
Mettathione whitening soap
Say hello to glowing skin.
Active ingredients glutathione and alpha arbutin work together to lighten your skin's pigmentation. With mettathione soap, enjoy fairer skin that glows.
This soap can be used for face and body. But since i have soap allergic, i can't use on my face. But i heard some of my friend say it lighten their dark spot and tightened the pores. I only use it for body. 1 bar can be used for 1 month for me. Is use it as body soap morning and evening
Here's an information i found at the website
Features & details
- Indulge your skin with the soothing natural moisturizers and powerful lightening agents in this soap. It harnesses the power of both Glutathione and the double-strength of Alpha Arbutin. Signs of aging are smoothed away, and the skin is protected against further damage and discoloration.
- 100gm bar contains Algatrium, one of the most powerful antioxidants available. It has been proven to be more effective than vitamins C and E. It reverses the visible signs of aging by preventing DNA degeneration inside the skin cells. It reduces melanin production and boosts the body's natural glutathione production.
- Alpha-arbutin is a natural plant substance that lightens the skin, and Ubiquinone prevents damage from environmental toxins and helps the skin retain its youthful appearance.
Now i'm gonna show the soap inside
This soap have double packaging which i think very hygienist. And the soft luxurious fragrance can be smell even though you haven't open the box packaging yet. It's not a strong parfumed like scent but a soft luxurious fragrance which i can't describe. Usually a whitening soap is fragrance less or smells like rice. But this one is different. And I love it 😍😍😍
At first using this soap, I thought this soap dried out my skin because i see some white patches in some area of my skin. But my friend said. "Keep using it, use a bidy lotion after. It's not drying your skin, it's an exfoliating process to make ur skin fairer and glowing." I did what she said and i'm so satisfied with the result.
After month, no more white patch, my skin become fair and glow. And I used to have acne scar on my hand and knee which slowly faded away. Now since i've been using it for more than 5 years, i have no worry to recommend this soap to you. There's no regret to try it. You will love the result and surely the fragrance. And the most important, it's really worth the price 👍👍👍👍👍
Here i'm gonna show you my before after pic after just 1 used of mettathione soap. Unfortunatelly i don't have my old pic. I wish i could show you how different it looks after using this soap continuously. But here's before and after shower. No edit. And taken just few hours ago. I don't know whether you can see the difference through this pic. But actually my skin always get brighter after shower.
If you need some information about this soap, feel free to let a comment below or contact me directly. Hope this information will be useful for you ladies. And thank you so much for reading my post. Please feel free to leave comment, suggestion or criticize. Enjoy your day and see you on my next post... 👋👋👋
Senin, 20 Februari 2017
Good morning, everyone...
Today I'm gonna make a review about one of my holly grail product that i've been using for almost 1 year. It's a chemical exfoliating treatment by Paula Choice which has been a best seller in the world.
At first, I didn't really understand about chemical exfoliator. I thought it was like a peeling that is used by dermatologist to peel the outer layer of our skin that could made our skin became red and sensitive to sun light. Some of my friend did it to fade their acne acar or dark spot. And since i have a sensitive skin, i thought i'll never do that.
One day, i was watching youtube channel of Frm Head to Toe. And she was sharing about her skin care routine. She has acne prone sensitive skin, normal to dry type like mine. And one of the product she mentioned was PAULA CHOICE 2% BHA LIQUID which i'm gonna review in this post.
She said it was a holly grail product. It could make her skin smoother, glowing and also reducing pimple, cure break out and tightened enlarge pores. I just knew that chemical exfoliator can cure acne and break out. So i bought a sample from one of the online shop. I was curious how good this product is. And..... she was 100% right!!! 😍😍😍
Now i'm gonna show you the full size product of Paula choice 2% BHA liquid.
It came in a white bottle with simple design. It has a liquidy toner like texture and contain 118 ml. This is my 3rd bottle. And the best exfoliator i've ever used so far. It's written :
It contain salicylic acid which i know is good to treat acne and pimple. And one that made me so sure to try this high end product is the words in gray background. It's proven to be non irritating, fragrance free, colorant free and it has no alcohol. Which suit my super sensitive acne prone skin.
Here's the direction of using this product.
For me personally, i use before toner because the toner i use is a hydrating toner. So i use it after bioderma. I put some in a cotton pad, leave it for 15-20 minutes to let it work and then i continue with hydrating toner, essence and moisturizer.
At first i felt a tingling sensation on my skin while using this product. But it's not like an alcohol. Maybe it's the exfoliating process. It's not dry at all, it even make my skin glowing after application. Here i'm gonna show you before after pic. And i took it just last night.
I have some small pimple and break out after make up. So i decided to use it. Oh btw, I forgot to tell you that right now i only use it twice a week. I was so excited at first looking at how my skin improved to be better and better so i used it very often. Which finally made my skin became red because of over exfoliate. Please don't try to put too much something no matter how great the product. Lesson learned 😣😣😣
You can see my imperfect skin with some break out on my forehead, acne scar on my chin and some small pimple on my cheek. And this product is a big helper for this condition.
And here's the morning pic after wake up. Let's see how the product work overnight.
I don't know if you can see the different, but in real condition, the break out became a lot better and the small pimple is started to heal. My skin became more glowing than last night and it also reduced my black head on my nose.
For you who have sensitive skin, acne prone or break out, i encourage you to try it because it's very good. All the information they claimed are proved and your skin will thank you after just 2 weeks. You can really see the different. I said goodbye to my phisycal exfoliator after meet this product. And i use it everytime i need without any doubt. Even though i had a very worst break out, I'm still confidence to use it to cure and calm my break out.
So that's all my review. I hope this information will help anyone who are trying to find a good exfoliator treatment. This is totally my honest review. I didn't get paid for this. So please leave any comment below if you ever try this product. I wanna know your experience too. Thank you so much for reading this post and have a good day...
Today I'm gonna make a review about one of my holly grail product that i've been using for almost 1 year. It's a chemical exfoliating treatment by Paula Choice which has been a best seller in the world.
At first, I didn't really understand about chemical exfoliator. I thought it was like a peeling that is used by dermatologist to peel the outer layer of our skin that could made our skin became red and sensitive to sun light. Some of my friend did it to fade their acne acar or dark spot. And since i have a sensitive skin, i thought i'll never do that.
One day, i was watching youtube channel of Frm Head to Toe. And she was sharing about her skin care routine. She has acne prone sensitive skin, normal to dry type like mine. And one of the product she mentioned was PAULA CHOICE 2% BHA LIQUID which i'm gonna review in this post.
She said it was a holly grail product. It could make her skin smoother, glowing and also reducing pimple, cure break out and tightened enlarge pores. I just knew that chemical exfoliator can cure acne and break out. So i bought a sample from one of the online shop. I was curious how good this product is. And..... she was 100% right!!! 😍😍😍
Now i'm gonna show you the full size product of Paula choice 2% BHA liquid.
It came in a white bottle with simple design. It has a liquidy toner like texture and contain 118 ml. This is my 3rd bottle. And the best exfoliator i've ever used so far. It's written :
It contain salicylic acid which i know is good to treat acne and pimple. And one that made me so sure to try this high end product is the words in gray background. It's proven to be non irritating, fragrance free, colorant free and it has no alcohol. Which suit my super sensitive acne prone skin.
Here's the direction of using this product.
For me personally, i use before toner because the toner i use is a hydrating toner. So i use it after bioderma. I put some in a cotton pad, leave it for 15-20 minutes to let it work and then i continue with hydrating toner, essence and moisturizer.
At first i felt a tingling sensation on my skin while using this product. But it's not like an alcohol. Maybe it's the exfoliating process. It's not dry at all, it even make my skin glowing after application. Here i'm gonna show you before after pic. And i took it just last night.
I have some small pimple and break out after make up. So i decided to use it. Oh btw, I forgot to tell you that right now i only use it twice a week. I was so excited at first looking at how my skin improved to be better and better so i used it very often. Which finally made my skin became red because of over exfoliate. Please don't try to put too much something no matter how great the product. Lesson learned 😣😣😣
You can see my imperfect skin with some break out on my forehead, acne scar on my chin and some small pimple on my cheek. And this product is a big helper for this condition.
And here's the morning pic after wake up. Let's see how the product work overnight.
I don't know if you can see the different, but in real condition, the break out became a lot better and the small pimple is started to heal. My skin became more glowing than last night and it also reduced my black head on my nose.
For you who have sensitive skin, acne prone or break out, i encourage you to try it because it's very good. All the information they claimed are proved and your skin will thank you after just 2 weeks. You can really see the different. I said goodbye to my phisycal exfoliator after meet this product. And i use it everytime i need without any doubt. Even though i had a very worst break out, I'm still confidence to use it to cure and calm my break out.
So that's all my review. I hope this information will help anyone who are trying to find a good exfoliator treatment. This is totally my honest review. I didn't get paid for this. So please leave any comment below if you ever try this product. I wanna know your experience too. Thank you so much for reading this post and have a good day...
Hi everyone,
It's been 10 days since my last post. And today i wanna share with you about a product that i've promised in my 1st post to review. Just for information if you didn't read my 1st post, I bought dr. Jart+ black label nourishing bb cream in korea and they gave me a sample of their new product. It's derma clear micro make up remover.
It's such a micellar water like bioderma. But they gave it in cotton pads. I haven't tried it so this is actually my first impression.
So here's the sample.
Ohhh, there's still something left. I thought it works as it said. But there's still a little residues removed by bioderma cleansing water.
And now my face is perfectly clean
This product makes my skin more moisture and glowing. I guess because ot such an semi-oil based make up remover.
My overall thougt, this product is easy to use. Nice packaging. And great to be brought when we go travel. But istill need to use water or micellar water after because if not, i feel quite oily.
I don't know whether it already launched in indonesia. I thought it was micellar water. But it wasn't. However this product is worth to be kept in your make up case for urgent needed.
I will googling what the full size one like. And i will paste in here.
It's been 10 days since my last post. And today i wanna share with you about a product that i've promised in my 1st post to review. Just for information if you didn't read my 1st post, I bought dr. Jart+ black label nourishing bb cream in korea and they gave me a sample of their new product. It's derma clear micro make up remover.
It's such a micellar water like bioderma. But they gave it in cotton pads. I haven't tried it so this is actually my first impression.
So here's the sample.
It written as Micro Make-up Remover
Mild and high-effective cleansing effect.
Milky lotion texture +micro fiber pad.
Remover with portable single wipe type
Dermatologist tested.
Now let's try it out. Here's my face using dr jart+ bb cream + esme loose powder from ERHA.
Excuse my tired face. It's 10 pm already and i just got home. So sleepy but i need to remove my make up. And i remember i've promised to let you know about this product, so there it is.
I'm gonna open and show you how it looks.
So here it is. It came in a round cotton pad with 2 different side. The 1st is plain and the other side have a spiral like texture which is i guess work as exfoliating.
Btw, i guess i need to make some conclusion. I thought it was a micellar water in a cotton pad. But after opening i realize the texture is a bit oily. And i just realize that in packaging it is also written a make up remover. So really can't compare to bioderma. However, i will still review it.
I will use the rough side first to clean my face.
Tadaaaaaa.... all my bb cream and powder is totally removed. But my skin feels a bit oily. It's different than using cleansing water. Now i will use the othe side. The smooth one. Let's see if there's still residues
So here it is. You can see there's still something left. And now i'm gonba check if it really can removed my make up by using only 1 cotton pad.
Ohhh, there's still something left. I thought it works as it said. But there's still a little residues removed by bioderma cleansing water.
And now my face is perfectly clean
This product makes my skin more moisture and glowing. I guess because ot such an semi-oil based make up remover.
My overall thougt, this product is easy to use. Nice packaging. And great to be brought when we go travel. But istill need to use water or micellar water after because if not, i feel quite oily.
I don't know whether it already launched in indonesia. I thought it was micellar water. But it wasn't. However this product is worth to be kept in your make up case for urgent needed.
I will googling what the full size one like. And i will paste in here.
Here it is. It came in a box contain 20 pads. And each pads is packing individually. I'm not sure if you can find it here in indonesia. Because i never saw this product in dr jart indonesia website. But maybe soon.
So that's my first impression and sorry for the missunderstanding. I really thought it was micro water put inside cotton pad.
Thank you for reading my post and feel free to leave a comment.
Good night 😴😪😴😪
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